What does it mean to be an invitational church?

Over the last decade or two, the words “attractional” and “seeker friendly” have dominated the conversation of church growth. While we are not averse to these concepts, we recognize a problem with the way they are culturally perceived and executed. The attractional concept often focuses on the event itself rather than the overall culture as the magnetic force. We would like to introduce the concept of being “invitational.”

This leads to your community being aware that relational connection is the target. The result is an invitational approach towards others reflecting the true purpose of the church.

Here at Culture Magnetic this is our greatest focus. We want to see your community become a relational force of connectivity for living and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


There are important elements to the message delivery that are becoming more critical every day. Length, methods, style, and technology are all combining along with generational shifts to create a new landscape. We are here to help you navigate these opportunities.


Much like the message delivery, approaches to congregational worship have changed and continue to change. This rapid rate of change has caused many churches to feel left behind. Not only does our team have some of the highest expertise in musical worship and production techniques, we also have strategic partnerships to help you with possible staffing needs.


Families can be a critical center for most churches. When children and youth are not a priority for a church, the results are usually devastating. Safety, cultural issues, curriculum, and biblical transformation are top-of-mind for us at Culture Magnetic. Members of our team have been employed by top children’s ministry curriculum providers and worked as law enforcement . We understand the issues facing your organization.


One of the strongest areas to build community is in a great small groups platform. Our lead team members have trained with Pastor Gary Treichler who served with Lyman Coleman as a leader of the small group movement. We carry on generations of value for a model of small group discipleship that is proven and effective.


Disability Issues
Hot-Button issues


Church Management
and Much More


Leadership Training
Team Development
Education Support
And More...


Our desire is to help your church achieve its mission.
Let’s make your Culture Magnetic!