About Culture Magnetic

Culture Magnetic is a realization of a group of faith leaders to support Kingdom focused organizations with coaching in ministry, marketing, and production.


This desire to band together for the sake of the Kingdom is central to the mission of Culture Magnetic. The desire is to help gospel-centered communities both big and small, grow and impact to see real transformative change.


Q: Why should we work with a consultant?

A: If you are not achieving the intended results, we believe that you and your leadership DO contain the answers as to why. The challenge is that most leaders are too close to the issue and have so many options or possible answers, they don’t know which is the right one. We help you gain clarity and get back on the right path.

Q: How much do your services cost?

A: We provide many options and services based off of your church size and needs. If we are a good fit for you, we will work to accommodate your situation. Just ask and we are happy to respond.

Q: Why should we work with you?

A- There are other options and honestly, some others may be better for you. We won’t hesitate to refer you to other options if it is a better fit. Our unique approach is that we will give you personal specific focus and attention. We are as equally concerned with you and your staff’s personal and professional development as we are with the strategic plan to execute. We know that metrics are important but metrics matter very little when the magic is no longer present.

Q: What if we can't afford it?

A: Call us anyway. We can find ways to help you begin the process. In addition, after working with our team a church can increase it’s year over year attendance and giving to such a degree that it can pay for the consulting many times over.


Our desire is to help your church achieve its mission.
Let’s make your Culture Magnetic!

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